Houston Sierra Club Serenity Studios “Sierra Social” a Big Hit!

On Saturday, June 22, 2019, 37 Houston Sierra Club members and visitors met at “Serenity Studios”, 1331 Yale Street, in the Heights, and celebrated summer with a “Sierra Social”.

Good food, a free drawing for a “cool” book, a rousing talk about the Houston Sierra Club and volunteers, camaraderie, art appreciation, and lots of fun and excitement marked this “with it” event.  Thanks to Donna Layfield, owner of “Serenity Studios”, for use of her place of business for free to host the “Sierra Social”.

Serenity StudiosSpecial thanks to Meredith Jennings for planning the “Sierra Social” and bringing all the food, with a special helping hand from Stephanie Thomas and Jennie Rohrer.  Thanks to Carol Lee for helping set-up the event.  Lynda Radice gets a big “Thank you” for creating a neat-looking “Donation Jar” that the Houston Sierra Club can use for future events.  Brandt Mannchen generated a lot of hot air at the sign-in table and hopefully some new Houston Sierra Club members and volunteers.  It was a team effort and “Team Sierra Club” did great!

Come to our next “Sierra Social”, a potluck dinner, on August 3, 2019, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, Pecore Hall, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.  Sign up at the Houston Sierra Club Outings Meetup Site: https://www.meetup.com/Houston-Sierra-Club-Outings/events/260876987/

See you there!