Online Houston Monthly Meeting: Don Greene Nature Park

Houston Group Monthly Meeting: Thursday, September 10, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
September Program Topic: The Don Greene Nature Park
This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
Feel free to log in early, 7:15pm or so, if you are new to using Zoom, or have other questions.
Friends of Don Greene is a nonprofit dedicated to the memory of Don Greene, who was a local environmental activist and outdoor educator who took many Houstonians on the rivers of West Texas, central Texas and Buffalo Bayou. His sudden passing in August 2014 set into motion other activists and friends who banded together to honor his life, and to maintain a one acre nature park to memorialize his contributions to outdoor education. This Park has been donated to Harris County Precinct 3. Don Greene Nature Park is the site of Eagle Scout projects, monthly outdoor work days and and outdoor education classes. This presentation will be given by a local green architect, Shawn McFarland, focusing on the present and future work of the nonprofit and the Nature Park.

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Meeting ID: 707 283 4745
Passcode: SierraClub
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