Marc Thomas Tribute

With deep regret, we mark the passing of an integral member of the Utah Sierra Club for many years. Marc Donald Thomas died peacefully at his home in Moab, Utah after a valiant battle with cancer. Marc was seventy years old. It’s hard to overstate the impact Marc has had on our organization, and his community, as he lived by the motto to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet, and its people. His obituary, posted by the Spanish Valley Mortuary says it best:

“Marc was a fierce defender of the environment and public lands. He served on the executive board of the Sierra Club for several years before becoming the Utah Chapter Chair, a position in which he was honored to serve. He also worked with local and state government bodies to advocate for the creation of Bears Ears National Monument, and his hard work and dedication came to fruition when the monument was established in 2016. He was a member of Moab’s Trail Mix organization, and he spent many hours supporting the creation of the Pinto Arch, Red Onion, and Juniper trails.”

Marc lived a rich and abundant life, highlighted by many professional and personal accomplishments. He was headstrong but free-spirited. Playful yet principled. His wit, wisdom, and humor will be sorely missed. His family requests that, if you choose, you may honor Marc’s memory with a contribution to the Sierra Club Utah Chapter. His full online obituary appears here. Even in his passing, he continues to be a champion for Utah’s people and environment. 

“When I first arrived at the Sierra Club, Marc and his wife Judi were among the first to welcome me in with open arms. I was traveling throughout southern Utah, organizing on the coal campaign, and Marc opened his home and his community to me. I will never forget his gregarious, easy laughter or how determined and steadfast he remained in the face of incredible obstacles. His love of the land was only rivaled by his love of Snickers bars, both of which he shared freely with me and other visitors to his beloved Canyon Country. I will miss him dearly, both as a friend and a comrade in the movement.” -- Lindsay Beebe, Sr. Campaign Representative

“I was extremely fortunate that Marc served as Vice-Chair during my years as Chapter Chair prior to his assuming that position.  Simply put, Marc’s passion and dedication for environmental protection and service to the Sierra Club were unlimited as were his many contributions.  Marc was serving as Glen Canyon Group Conservation Chair, attending meetings and contributing, within days of his passing. We will miss him greatly.” -- Dan Mayhew, Glen Canyon Group Excom Chair

“It is a great privilege to have known Marc. He was boisterous and comical with a keen passion for supporting and leading team Utah in its journey to defend and protect its wild places. His successes were borne by his wit, love for his family, and passion to protect the environment for generations to come. I remember when Marc and Judi–and their cats welcomed me into their home during a trip to Moab. I remember watching the sunset from their living room with them; a moment I’ll cherish. Marc  will be missed but never forgotten. For he has left a lasting mark on our Chapter and Utah's environment is better because Marc fought and won for the places he loved.” Carly Ferro, Utah Sierra Club Chapter Director 

Here is Marc in 2015 speaking proudly about his love of the land and desire for common-sense pollution controls on coal plants, in a room packed with coal miners who were bussed in by their employer to testify in opposition to environmental regulation.