The Sierra Club Great Waters Group holds monthly programs usually on the Third Monday of every month, excepting summer months of June, July and August when we are out exploring, enjoying and protecting nature. In December. instead, we hold our annual Holiday Party with a feast, a silent auction, and live entertainment. This normally takes place the first Sunday in January. In 2019, the Holiday Party falls on December 8th, due to the late Thanksgiving holiday. In April, we hold Earth Day celebrations and service activities instead of a Monday program. Ocasionally the meeting times and locations need to be changed, so always check the calendar.
Walking Indigenous Milwaukee program is Jan. 22 at Marquette
January 2, 2025
Learn about the Indigenous Milwaukee Tour that gives greater visibility for Indigenous peoples, lands and contributions. This Great Waters Group program on Jan. 22 will be presented and co-sponsored by the Marquette University Indigeneity Lab.
Sign up for Dec. 8 Holiday Party and Fundraiser
November 10, 2024
Make new friends and catch up with old friends at the GWG annual Holiday Party and Fundraiser on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Wil-O-Way Underwood, 10602 Underwood Parkway, Wauwatosa. Please register by Nov. 29 so we can order food from...
Fall programs include Green Tech Station, inclusive hiking
September 5, 2024
Welcome back for a new season of monthly educational programs! We start on Sept. 16 by visiting the Green Tech Station, followed by a program and short walk with the authors of Easy Walks and Paddles in Milwaukee, on Oct. 23 at Kuumba Juice.
Mark Earth Day by helping clean up Lincoln Creek
April 15, 2024
The Great Waters Group will again be helping clean up Lincoln Creek through the Milwaukee Riverkeeper annual Spring Cleanup from 9 to noon on Saturday, April 20. Afterwards we'll join the celebration at Rock the Green.
Earth-Friendly Eating program is May 20
April 15, 2024
Learn how our food choices and food systems affect or aggravate climate change, and vice versa at this program on Monday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Defending Wisconsin's Sacred Waters from Dangerous Mine Proposals
February 27, 2024
The March program will be Dr. Al Gedicks , who has long worked with Wisconsin tribes, on "Defending Wisconsin's Sacred Waters from Dangerous Mine Proposals." This free program begins at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 18. Register to get the Zoom link.
Thanks to donors, volunteers for successful Holiday Party and Fundraiser
December 18, 2023
Thanks to everyone who made the Great Waters Group Holiday Party and Fundraiser a success! We were thrilled to be back in person and see so many new faces! We are grateful to all of our volunteers, and the businesses, nonprofits and members who...
"Journey Down the Gila" virtual film set for Jan. 8
December 3, 2023
"Journey Down the Gila" is a film exploring grief, renewal and hope along the Gila River in New Mexico, telling the story of three New Mexico teens who died in service to the wild places they loved, their mothers’ trip down the river they sought to...
GWG Holiday Party and Fundraiser is back – sign up now!
November 6, 2023
The Great Waters Group's annual Holiday Party and Fundraiser is back indoors on Dec. 3 at Wil-O-Way Underwood, with the silent auction, dinner from Aladdin, and music. Read on to learn how to register.
November 16 program looks at protecting access to waterways
November 4, 2023
Free fall programs offer something for everyone. The Nov. 16 program is about the Public Trust Doctrine as it relates to Milwaukee's lakefront and RiverWalk and more. Read on to learn more. Please join us!