Executive Committee

Executive Committee MeetingAs a grassroots organization, nearly all our activities are volunteer-based with people from around the Valley of the Sun. We have fun and can make a real impact both locally and state-wide. Learn more about our group committees, get involved, and make a difference!

The Executive Committee is the Palo Verde Group's governing body. It is responsible for policy direction, goals, budget and financial oversight, and committee oversight. It is also engaged in fundraising and membership decisions. The Executive Committee meets on a monthly basis.

2021 Executive Committee




Rebecca Hinton Chair & Programs rahinton@hotmail.com
Don Steuter Conservation dsteuter@hotmail.com
Chris Gehlker Secretary canyonrat@icloud.com
Jim Dublinski Membership jdublinski@icloud.com
Jim Vaaler Wilderness/Outings Chair jimvaaler@msn.com
Lisa Vaaler ICO lvaaler1@gmail.com
Joshua Knight At Large knight.j.joshua@gmail.com
Kathy Mohr-Almeida At Large kathylynn626@yahoo.com
Jerry Nelson (*non-voting) Treasurer peakbagger2@gmail.com