Brian Willis

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Press Releases

Sierra Club Launches Massive Ad Campaign Calling on Congress to Support Clean Energy Workers in Next COVID-19 Relief Bill

  Click Here to view the Ad WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Sierra Club launched a five figure digital advertising campaign today, targeting Congressional leadership to pass significant relief for clean…

Trump’s EPA Rolls Back Important Protections Against Dangerous, Toxic Coal Ash

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former coal lobbyist and current EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler finalized a new, dangerous environmental rollback yesterday, putting the health of thousands of communities living…

Trump Administration Objects to Millions in Investments for Vulnerable Communities in Southeast Michigan

Trump Administration urges federal court to reject agreement that would provide funding for electric buses, environmental projects in communities burdened by decades of air pollution  Detroit, MI—…

Sierra Club Urges the Interior Department to Accept the Coast Guard’s Recommendations for Offshore Wind

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sierra Club staff, volunteers, and members began submitting comments and testifying before the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today on the agency’s supplement to its…

42 Local Groups Urge Michigan Congressional Delegation to Pass Clean Energy Aid

Click here to view the signed letter to Michigan’s Congressional delegation Lansing, Michigan - A coalition of 42 diverse local groups and elected officials sent a letter to Michigan’s Congressional…

Coal Company Seeks to Severely Weaken Mercury Standard After EPA Attacked its Underpinnings

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Westmoreland Mining Holdings sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in federal court last Friday, after the Trump administration recently finalized changes that weaken the…

Public Health Advocates Overwhelm EPA Virtual Hearing, Demand Stronger Protections Against Dangerous Air Pollution

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sierra Club members and supporters overwhelmed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) on its first day of “virtual” hearings on the Trump Administration’s insufficient…

Sierra Club Steps in As Watchdog After Trump’s EPA Uses COVID-19 Crisis to Stop Enforcement of Pollution Laws

Sierra Club to issue government records requests in the states to ensure power plants and oil and gas operators control pollution WASHINGTON, D.C.  -- The Sierra Club announced a new “polluter…

Despite Dangerous Pandemic, Trump’s EPA Attacks Safeguards Against Mercury Pollution

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Despite the presence of a global pandemic that’s risking the lives of millions of Americans, today former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced his final…

Trump Administration Prioritizes Polluters Over Protecting Communities from Particulate Pollution

Washington, D.C. -- Today, former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler rejected pleas from experts to increase the EPA’s protections for Americans from dangerous soot pollution released from power plants.…