Petition to stop desalination plants in Corpus Christi

Folks:  In the battle against industrialization of the coastal bend, commenting on permits and engaging your local leaders is an important component to stemming the tide.  Consider every permit as a new skirmish to which we must respond.

Led by For the Greater Good, citizens of Corpus Christi launched an offensive against the City's drive toward building desalination facilities that contribute to this new build-out. They are circulating a Petition to let the people vote in November on whether to proceed with these efforts.  The City is dismissing the objections raised by the public.  If enough signatures are obtained, a more thorough discourse of the subject can proceed in public forums.

Unfortunately, within a week after the Petition was ready for distribution, the door to door and table signing at EarthDay and other festivals had to be stopped due to COVID-19.  A massive mail-in campaign was recently launched, so watch for it in the mail.  But, the Petition is also available online at [One side only needs to be printed.  Mailing address is on the petition.]

Despite the lack of personal contact, over 2,000 folks have signed the Petition.   We are asking you to consider sharing this initiative with you family, friends and neighbors who are registered voters in Corpus Christi.  If you have an organizational listserve, we ask that you consider sharing there as well.

There are many reasons to oppose the desalination efforts. The Harte Institute says the La Quinta "site would have the most severe environmental impacts" on the ecosystem.  And then there is the $1.3 billion price tag to build the two facilities and the estimated $200 million in annual operating expenses required over the next 20 years.

Whether you are for desalination, or against it, this is one of the biggest decisions ever made by the City, a decision that will impact the area for generations to come.  The citizens should be better informed and allowed to vote on it.

These are difficult times and we all face many personal challenges.  The few moments you take to sign or share the Petition is one way you can stay in the fight for the coastal bend.  Completed petitions may be mailed to "The Progressive Center, 413 Waco Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78401". Please act quickly.

Jim Klein, Interim Chair, Sierra Club Coastal Bend Group