Kathleen Kler

A number of important future environmental issues are facing Jefferson County: How to address the many environmental, health and safety issues associated with the proposed mega-resort development at Black Pointin Brinnon, and the Hood Canal Pit to Pier gravel mining operation; deciding what changes, if any, are needed to the County’s Critical Areas Ordinance that protects our salmon streams; how to sensibly manage our water resources in light of future scarcity resulting from a reduced winter snowpack due to climate change; and how to ensure land use decisions promote livable, walkable communities with good public transit access. Kathleen Kler understands these issues and is highly motivated to work on finding solutions that address both the concerns of stakeholders while promoting environmental sustainability and the magnificent natural beauty of our region.


Formerly, Kathleen was the first RN in Harborview's Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress Clinic and was a team member that educated and trained statewide law enforcement officials, child advocates, legal professionals and medical staff in forensic exams.  She was a first responder EMT in Franklin County; organized and managed the new municipal swimming pool in Connell; provided the first home health care for HIV patients in Spokane; led an all woman's medical delegation to Nicaragua; and coordinated a S.E. Asian refugee resettlement in rural Eastern Washington;


Since moving to Quilcene, Kathleen has been part of the Forest Stewardship Program, Jefferson County Park and Recreation Advisory Board, and the Port Townsend Film Institute Board.