Rich Cowan

State Senator, District 6

Rich Cowan began his career in television and became KHQ-TV (Spokane) Community Affairs Director before forming North by Northwest Productions, a film company that employs 45 full-time workers in Spokane and Boise. He is a strong supporter of green jobs who realizes there is no contradiction between creating good jobs and protecting the environment. If elected, Rich will seek real accountability for polluters, support a cap-and-trade program, and work to maintain incentives for homeowner alternative energy sources beyond 2020. He supports the recommendations of the Governor's Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup and opposes weakening the state's renewable energy portfolio standards. His views on transportation funding are in line with the Club's: he will focus on maintaining existing infrastructure first and insist that new infrastructure projects must emphasize efficient planning and mass transit connectivity, while providing transportation options that do not damage the environment.