Tami Green

State Senator, District 28

The Sierra Club has endorsed Rep. Tami Green over the past several legislative sessions because she has is such a vital supporter of the environment. Over her many years in the State House, she co-sponsored the legislative referendum for energy efficiency jobs in public buildings, the safe baby bottle bill, the stormwater fee bill, and the phasing out of toxic copper in brake pads. She serves on the Labor and Workforce Development Committee, Healthcare and Wellness Committee, Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, and the Rules Committee. A nurse, Tami will continue to address the vital issues of health care, public safety, education, and creating family wage jobs. In 2014 she co-sponsored HB 2347, enhancing oil transportation safety, a bill strongly supported by the Sierra Club. This bill passed the House but not the Senate. She has a fantastic lifetime environmental voting record. Her opponent, Steven O’Ban, was temporarily appointed to fill this Senate seat last year after the death of the incumbent Sen. Mike Carrell (R) and has a terrible environmental voting record. Vote for Green!