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Hi all!
Governor-elect Katie Hobbs will take office on January 2nd, the Inauguration is January 5th, and the 2023 Legislative Session starts on January 9th. We will begin sending weekly legislative updates the week of January 9th with a calendar of upcoming bills at the Capitol, our bill tracker, and opportunities for action.
Also, please mark your calendar and sign up for the following events note the change in date for Environmental Day at the Capitol 2023. You can RSVP and add it to your calendar by using the button/link below.
Environmental Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (meetings with legislators, as can be scheduled)
11:30 AM Registration
Noon Program, Tabling, and Opportunities for Action
4:00 PM Wrap Up
For new participants, Environmental Day at the Capitol is our annual lobby day. We do this in collaboration with 20 plus other organizations. We will have information tables, speakers, and will be setting up appointments with legislators. You need not have any experience or be an expert and will have a team leader to help you with the legislative meetings.
Join us for a Legislative Session Overview focused on Water, Climate, and Democracy on January 18th. RSVP here.
We will also conduct a volunteer lobby training on January 26th. RSVP here.
Look for additional issues briefings in the coming weeks as well.
Thank you for your continued interest and actions related to the Arizona Legislature.
For more information, reach out to Sandy Bahr at
Thank you and I hope to see you there in February, if not before!
All the best,

Sandy Bahr
Chapter Director
Sierra Club - Grand Canyon Chapter