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This page may contain items of possible public interest as well as items directly related to Arkansas Chapter.
Central Arkansas Group (CAG) Meeting
1/21/25 - Tu – CAG Meeting – Meetings on the third Tuesday of most months are open to all. Our first meeting of the new year is Tuesday January 21. Arrive around 5:30 pm to enjoy the wonderful food at the Star of India Restaurant. January's Program: Central Arkansas Group members Carolyn Shearman and David Peterson will update us on rule changes for CAFO permitting and a moratorium on CAFOs in the Buffalo watershed. Program at 6:30. Location: Star of India, 301 N. Shackleford Rd. Ste C4, Little Rock, AR 72211.
Future meetings (2025): 2/18, 3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 9/16, 10/21, 11/18. No meeting in August or December.
Programs are announced via e-mail messages from Chair George Wise. If you do not receive the messages, please contact George at bgcdwise@swbell.net For additional information on past or future CAG meetings, click HERE.
Pinnacle Mountain SP Changes
12/30/2024 - LR - If you have not been to the West Summit Parking Lot lately, expect to see some changes the next time you go. As soon as you turn off Hwy 300, you will encounter a traffic circle, then parking on BOTH sides of the driveway leading to the restrooms and main parking lot. But you will be stopped just before the restrooms as the roadway beyond is closed for construction. I'm not sure if the main parking lot is being re-paved - of if it will be closed permanently. I have heard (but not confirmed) that the current turnoff from Hwy 300 may be closed in the future with traffic routed (on the new driveway being constructed) from the new Visitor's Center to the new traffic circle mentioned above. ...But with a reduced number of parking spaces at this time, I recommend avoiding the area until the construction is completed. Today, all parking spaces were filled in the area. I also recommend stopping at the new Visitor's Center to get a map of the park's hiking trails. The park appears to now have twice as many trails as a half-dozen years ago.
Arkansas Outdoor Economy Summit
2/23-25/2025 - The AR Office of Outdoor Recreation in conjunction with the Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism will be hosting the 2nd Annual Arkansas Outdoor Economy Summit in Bentonville. Save the date and join for a couple of days of engaging discussions, networking opportunities and inspiring presentations. This year’s summit will build on the success of last year’s event, bringing together industry leaders, policymakers and outdoor enthusiasts to explore the latest trends, opportunities and challenges within Arkansas' vibrant outdoor economy. …..More information later.
National Park Reservations
At least one National Park (Yosemite) now requires reservations to drive into the park on certain days. For more info, go to https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/permitsandreservations.htm
Note: Past news and outings reports have been moved to the Newsletters page.
What's New on the Web site:
Items mentioned above (on Home Page) may or may not be included in the What's New Section.
Date at left (below) may either be date material was added to web site or date of event. Items removed from Home Page may be on the Newsletter pages. Notice of AR-DoT and other public meetings - and monthly CAG meeting with programs that change each month may be included on Home page but are not mentioned below.
POSTED IN Q1/Q2 ( JAN-JUN ) 2024
- 8/17/24 - Notice for the 2/23-25/25 AR Outdoor Economy Summit added to Home Page
- 4/14/24 - Links on Get Involved web page checked/updated
- 4/14/24 - History Tours schedule updated
- 4/14/24 - Distinguished lecture series (no new events located as of this date)
- 4/14/24 - Links on EPA - ADEQ web page checked
For information on web site changes in prior months, go to the About Us > What's New page.
Special Topic: Texas Coal Plants An Issue, Sierra Club Says
By Doug Thompson - NW News - December 30, 2014
Two coal-fired power plants in Texas stand as the most immediate threat to air quality in Northwest Arkansas, said the director of the Sierra Club in Arkansas.
The plants are among seven at issue in a Jan. 15 public hearing in Oklahoma City. The federal Environmental Protection Agency called the hearing after rejecting parts of Texas' plan to gradually reduce the amount of haze-causing sulfur dioxide from the plants.
Glen Hooks, this state's Sierra Club director, said his group will argue at the hearing the sulfur dioxide contributes to haze as far north as Benton and Washington counties and over the federally protected headwaters of the Buffalo National River. ... MORE [TOP]
Campfire Events Calendar
Outing - Sierra Club Policies
- Activities identified as Sierra Club outings are led by a certified Outings Leader. All participants on such outings are required to sign a Sierra Club Liability Waiver form. If you would like to read the Liability Waiver before you choose to participate on an outing, please go to http://content.sierraclub.org/outings/local-outdoors/resources, then click on Sign-in Sheet & Liability Waiver or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version.
- Carpools transportation is at the sole risk of the participants, both driver and passengers, even if they are leaders or staff of the outings or activity.
- CST 2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.
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In Map View, click on a flag (circle), then on the individual event for more info.
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