What Do You Notice about the Weather?

July 2021
NOAA Pacific Northwest temperature map
From NOAA: June 29, 2021 maximum temperature forcast for the Pacific Northwest. Temperatures for Portland and Seattle have cooled about 10 degrees from the past few days. Click here or the picture above for a larger map.

By Joyce Blumenshine

Anything making you feel concerned about the weather? Triple digit heat in Seattle, Portland, and cities in Canada catch your attention? Each and every one of us needs to think daily: what can I do to help the climate. There is a lot you as an individual can do.

Home energy efficiency is essential. Get a home energy audit and then take action. If you are in an apartment or rent, can you reduce your highest electricity use for later evening? Do your laundry after 9 p.m. or really early. Take re-useable bags to all stores where you shop. EVERY PENNY COUNTS. Make your every purchase a climate vote: buy organic. Cut back on meat and have more meat-free meals. Support locally grown food products. Reduce, re-use, and recycle. Be mindful of your water use.

There are many incentives for being a community solar subscriber. Check out joining a solar farm so that part of your electricity will be completely solar. Batch your trips in a car so you reduce your driving. Support organizations working on clean energy and that are striving to move the country off of carbon-based fuels. We all have a stake in what is happening now to this beautiful planet and its amazing creatures of all kinds. Please care and please do your part.