Food Equity and Justice - Statewide

We believe that food equity is essential for true equity and justice in our societies. Access to healthy, affordable food should be available to everyone. We recognize that currently, this isn't the case. We are here to uplift those in our communities who fight for better food access, and who provide resources for those in need. Here are some people and organizations who are working in this area for the whole of Indiana. For those working in specific geographic areas, go to our main Food Equity and Justice page

Jump to: Society of St Andrew- Indiana

Society of St Andrew- Indiana

Society of St. Andrew volunteers gleaning watermelons.

I am Dawn Barnes, the Indiana Regional Director for Society of St. Andrew.

Please introduce your work/organization 

Society of St. Andrew is the oldest gleaning organization in the U.S. We are a national organization with 8 regional offices and 1 here in Indiana. We organize volunteers to glean farmers excess produce and donate it to local food banks/pantries. The reality is there are food insecure people AND there is food going to waste. Society of St. Andrew helps bridge that gap. We also glean farmers markets, partner with community gardens and during the pandemic we have been helping to distribute Farm to Family Food Boxes.

What is your organization’s mission?

The Society of St. Andrew brings people together to harvest and share healthy food, reduce food waste and build caring communities by offering nourishment to hungry neighbors.

How can people access your services? Farmers are welcomed to donate their crops. We welcome anyone (of any age) to come out and glean. And agencies are invited to receive the gleaned produce at no cost. All of these have sign ups on our website.

How can folks support your work?

Donate excess produce (our farmers receive a tax statement for their use at the end of the year and have no liability for volunteers or their food donation). Volunteer to glean. Donate towards our work.

Give a shout out to any organization or person whose work you’d like to lift up.

To all of the amazing food banks and pantries that do amazing work serving those who are food insecure, but especially throughout the pandemic!

Links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our website 

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