September Enews


Nominations Needed!

September 2020
As people across the country protest in defense of Black lives, the Sierra Club recognizes the need to dismantle systemic racism in the United States and within our own organization. We must reckon with how white supremacy -- both past and present -- has shaped our institutions and do the critical anti-racism work necessary to repair the harm done. The environmental movement does not exist in a vacuum, and it is our responsibility to use our power to help abolish systemic racism, which is destroying lives, communities, and the planet.

In this issue:

Chapter Announces New Climate Action Organizer

Sierra Club Maine is thrilled to welcome its new Climate Action Organizer, Ania Wright! Ania will be working across the state to support Climate Action Teams in their fight to implement climate solutions such as developing community solar, creating town energy efficiency plans, advocating for public transportation, launching recycling and composting programs, opposing dirty energy projects, and much more.  

Ania is a recent graduate from the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor where she received her degree in Human Ecology with a focus in Environmental Law and Climate Justice. Ania also serves as the Youth Representative on the Maine Climate Council and is a Lead Organizer for Maine Youth for Climate Justice. “We’re very excited to have Ania as our Chapter’s Climate Action Organizer,” says Sarah Leighton, Chapter Director. “Ania’s experience as an organizer will help support and strengthen our actions to combat climate change across the state. We look forward to having her help in this very important work.”

If you are interested in getting to know Ania or learning more about our Climate Action Team work, please email Ania at

Your support is needed to make this work possible. Please consider making a donation here.

Last Call for Executive Committee Nominations

Do you want to make a meaningful difference in Maine by helping Sierra Club ensure a clean and just economy, elect pro-environment candidates, and protect Maine’s woods and waters for generations to come? Consider serving as a member of Sierra Club Maine’s Executive Committee. The committee sets Sierra Club Maine's priorities, goals, and strategies which directly impact our state.

Committee positions are available to all Sierra Club members. If you’re a Sierra Club member (or know a member) with an interest in supporting Sierra Club’s work in Maine, please complete this form by September 15th. We are also looking for potential Executive Committee members who are interested in serving in a leadership position - Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Fundraising Chair. The Sierra Club is committed to seeking a diverse pool of candidates and encourages members from any geographical region in Maine, background, race, gender, age, or identity.

Volunteer Opportunity of the Month

Do you enjoy talking to people, writing cards, or putting on events? If so, our Advancement Team is the team for you! We are looking for volunteers who will help our Advancement Team connect individuals, companies, and foundations to our work, inspiring them to make a donation to help in our mission to explore, enjoy, and protect the plant.  Activities include:
  • Talking with members and donors
  • Meeting with companies and foundations
  • Writing thank you cards to donors
  • Helping with grant proposals to foundations
  • Putting on events that connect more people to our work
If you are interested in volunteering with our Advancement Team, please email us here.

Green Tip of the Month

Veggies are not only delicious but also good for the environment!  Researchers in a 2018 Oxford University study said, "A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use, and water use. . . . It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions."

Incorporating more vegetables into your diet, purchasing produce from local farms, staying away from foods with palm oil, and avoiding food wrapped in plastic packaging, are great ways that you can start to reduce your carbon footprint.

Do you have a green tip that you would like to have included in a future newsletter? Please share it with us here!

We've Gone Virtual!

Sierra Club Maine has closed its Portland office and will now be working remotely for the indefinite future. With staff throughout the state, going virtual will allow us to be more accessible to more members. When COVID-19 restrictions are lifted we look to hosting meetings and events throughout the state. Our phone number (207-761-5616) and email address ( remain the same; however, our new mailing address (for now) is:

Sierra Club Maine
PO Box 1374
Yarmouth, ME 04096


Absentee Ballots and Voting

Both absentee and in-person voting will be available. If you are a registered voter, you may apply for an absentee ballot to be sent to you when they become available. See the State's website for information about voter registration and absentee voting. Apply for your absentee ballot here. You can also find your polling place here.

Climate Council Drafting Plan

The Maine Climate Council is in the process of developing recommendations for the state’s Climate Action Plan to reduce climate pollution emissions and meet our clean energy goals, and they're accepting public input until September 9. 

Your help is needed - please attend the Council meetings throughout the fall and participate whenever possible. The next two are on September 9th & 16th from 9am- Noon. You can learn more and register here.

To stay up-to-date with our efforts to ensure a bold climate plan for Maine, please check out our AddUp campaign.


Upcoming Events/ Meetings