Ways to Get Involved in the "Club": Attend Meetings - Student Volunteer Program - And More

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Dr. Jane Goodall

Attend Conservation Committee Meetings

Please consider attending a Napa Sierra Club Conservation Committee meeting via Zoom. This group addresses several environmental issues facing Napa County. We have sub-committees that focus on Water and Land use issues. Climate Change issues are addressed regularly. No prior experience necessary. Check the calendar for the Conservation and Executive Committee meeting dates. (Pictured, Excom members, past and present: Nick Cheranich, Scott Thomason, David Campbell, and Chris Benz. Student interns Kate Bit, Liliana Karesh, and Paulina Zambrano.)
For more information, contact the Conservation Committee.

Can't Attend? Then Please Consider DONATING to the Napa Sierra Club Group. CLICK HERE to DONATE

Join Our Student Internship Program

NSC interns

Mentorship and Project Work

We currently have openings for our student internship program.

Interns are mentored by members of our Executive Committee to help set and achieve personal objectives. (Pictured above at a recent Sierra Club outreach event: student interns Maia M., American Canyon High; Liliana K., Napa High; Natalie C., Justin-Siena High; Kate B. American Canyon High; and Arya A., Vintage High.)

Internship commitments:

  • Typically, interns complete 5-6 projects throughout the year, which can be integrated into their class assignments.
  • Working on projects in collaboration with other student interns is encouraged.
  • Students learn about the importance of acting in a professional manner.
  • Participation in at least five Conservation Committee meetings is mandatory, providing an invaluable educational experience on the various local environmental issues we are currently working on. (Our meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of every odd-numbered month, from 6pm to about 8:30pm.)

Examples of Previous Projects

Past interns have: