Two State Bills Could Save Tesla Park — Take Action!

tesla park landscape

Right now, you have two opportunities to help push forward State bills that would permanently protect the biodiversity hotspot known as Tesla Park for conservation purposes and non-motorized public recreation. 

Assembly Bill 1512, introduced by Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, along with Senate Bill 799, introduced by Steve Glazer, would end the decades-long effort to make Tesla a playground for dirt bikes and three wheelers that have already denuded and defaced hillsides in the adjacent Carnegie off-highway vehicle park.

On Monday, AB 1512 goes before the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee. We invite you to speak at the virtual hearing to show the committee that East Bay residents want the State to save Tesla Park once and for all.

Whether or not you can speak at Monday’s hearing, make sure you sign the petition to Governor Newsom expressing your support for Assembly Bill 1512 and Senate Bill 799 to save Tesla Park.

Tesla Park covers 3,100 acres of high-quality blue oak woodland, grassland and desert-olive shrubland in the hills on the southeastern edge of Alameda County. The area includes at least 42 threatened, endangered and special status wildlife species, special status and locally rare plant species, and a critical-linkage habitat corridor along the Diablo Range. These factors make Tesla vital for climate resiliency in a time of rapid climate change that threatens species and habitats.

These State bills are our best shot at saving Tesla Park for nature, for public recreation, and for climate resilience. Please don't let this opportunity pass us by.

Read much more about Tesla Park at