11 Wilderness Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

Photo by iStock/BjornStefanson
Not able to swing an exotic summer getaway? You can travel vicariously to beautiful settings near and far with these top nature photograph Instagram accounts.
1. @bradleycastaneda
Bradley Castaneda makes camping in below-freezing tempartures look fun. Scroll through his feed to find your next mountain adventure.
2. @cabinlove
For those of you who dream of living in a home made of trees, surrounded by trees, get your inspiration here.
3. @chrisburkard
With photos that are almost too good to be true, Chris Burkard captures spectatcular scenes that will feed your wanderlust.
4. @finn
From Big Sur in California to Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Finn Beales takes you around the world with just a click of a button.
5. @roblutter
A cyclist whizzing through Australia, Vietnam, and Turkey, Rob Lutter makes sure to snap nature's best moments along the way.
6. @pnwonderland
Planning on driving through Oregon or Washington? These photos prove it's worth it to brave the rain along the Pacific Northwest.
7. @kylefrost
Though Kyle Frost lives in San Francisco, his pictures display breathtaking sunsets and off-the-grid landscapes around the world.
8. @unrealhawaii
David Chatsuthiphan lives up to the name of his account, delivering "unreal" photos of hiking trails, sandy beaches, and other natural treasures of America's 50th state.
9. @danptatitucci
This husband and wife duo take you to Switzerland (for free) with photographs of snowbaorders, skiers, and climbers on the Swiss Alps.
10. @circa_1983
A native of British Columbia, Owen Perry captures the essence of his home, but also visits the other six continents to snap shots in places like Chile and the Scottish Highlands.
11. @fosterhunting
Photographer Foster Huntington quit his day job to travel across the United States in a camper. You can follow him on his journey (and still keep your job) through his captivating photographs.