Blackrock Waterfowl Management Area: A New Approach

A five-year, adaptive management plan for the Blackrock Waterfowl Management Area (BWMA), off of 395 south of Big Pine (see map) will address the cattail overgrowth that is filling the marsh. Solutions to the problem proposed in 2014 are finally going to be put to the test this year. Up to 500 acres have been flooded year-round since 2007 to provide marsh and wetland habitat for migrating birds and resident Coots, Gadwalls, and Mallards. Slowly, the flooded areas have filled in with cattails, tulles, and phragmites leaving little open water and food for the waterfowl. The Range of Light Group is one of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) parties involved in creating the plan to correct this. The plan is to flood the area from September through March, let the ground dry out during the summer, and then disc the cattails to keep them from growing. The LADWP Standing Committee approved the plan on May 26 and will begin this fall. We’ve been waiting for this change for six years and now it will finally start this year!