
Your Vote Counts!

Help elect environmental champions!


Many in the Eastern Sierra worked hard last year to have our California state senate and assembly districts redrawn to better align Mono and Inyo Counties with other parts of the state with similar economies and problems. We are no longer tied to San Bernardino County or to the same parts of the west side of the Sierra as we were before. Our state senate district is SD4 and our state assembly district is AD8.  Click here to view the maps. Scroll down to the map viewer at the bottom of the page. Inyo and Mono Counties will now have the same state senator and the same state assembly representative.


Our congressional district is now CD3. It was CD8 but it has been redrawn. We are no longer aligned with San Bernardino County so Jay Obernolte will no longer be our congressman after the 2022 election. We will be aligned with counties to the north of Inyo and Mono Counties.


The Range of Light Group participated in the Sierra Club endorsement process. Click here to see our endorsements. These are people who will help fight climate change, help to protect public lands, and help make our world more equitable and just.


There are many ways to get involved in helping our endorsed environmental champions win in the 2022 November election. You can donate to their campaigns, you can help phone bank or canvass Sierra Club members, and you can vote for them!


This webpage was developed by volunteers. No 501(c)(3) funds were used.