The Sierra Club Range of Light Group offers a diverse collection of in-person and virtual events allowing you to explore, connect with like minded people, learn, and get involved in our Eastern Sierra community.
Recorded Events
- Introduction to Range of Light Group's 30x30 Priorities
Virtual Presentation
**ON-DEMAND RECORDING**The first in a series of presentations on 30x30, we'll outline what is currently in the works for Inyo and Mono Counties and what might be possible in the future. We'll offer a brief introduction to 30x30 on the Federal, State, and Local levels, to Local Conservation Priorities currently underway (Conglomerate Mesa, Bodie Hills, Amargosa Basin) and other Local Conservation Priorities we have on our list (Sweetwater Mountains, Long Valley Caldera, Fish Slough, Owens Lake). Finally, we'll seek your input on lands and waters you would like to see protected.
The Harms of Exploratory Drilling
Virtual Presentation
There are five exploratory drilling projects in the Eastern Sierra that could eventually lead to open pit gold mines. Gold is not a critical mineral, but the high price of gold is driving companies to look for gold, even microscopic gold that wasn't worth going after before. While mining has a huge impact on the environment, exploratory drilling impacts the environment too. Clearly, on a much smaller scale, but it has its harms. Join us and find out about three exploratory drilling projects in the Bodie Hills and the impacts that they will have. -
California Gold Cyanidation Ban
Virtual Presentation
Range of Light Group has been looking for ways to discourage exploratory drilling for gold in the Eastern Sierra. One possible way would be a statewide ban on the use of cyanide in the extraction of gold from ore. In this presentation we will learn why we don’t really need gold, we just think we do, and we will explore the harms gold mines inflict on landscapes, water supplies, biodiversity, and the carbon footprint - all for very little reason. A California Gold Cyanidation Ban is just a hope in our collective green hearts, but we ask you to join us in investigating this possibility. -
Citizen Science: Using iNaturalist
Recorded Overview, Watch Now!
It’s time to put on your citizen science hat and help enter data on bugs, butterflies, flowers, and more in iNaturalist. There is a lot of data on flowers and birds, but not much on insects. You can help with that! Using iNaturalist is a great way to participate with Sierra Club Range of Light Group because we can use your data in our conservation efforts, and to achieve 30x30!
Outings Information
- Find full details of our in-person outings at
- Find the medical form for backcountry outings here.
- Mammoth Lakes Blue Diamond Nordic Routes Map
Get out your snowshoes and cross country skis and explore the Inyo Craters and Earthquake Dome! The Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service partnered and reestablished the historic ungroomed Blue Diamond Nordic ski and snowshoe routes in the Inyo National Forest. Just look for these big blue diamonds on the trees. Read more...
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