Gold Exploration in the Eastern Sierra Has Begun

By: Lynn Boulton

The potential for gold excites investors, even in microscopic quantities, but it depresses everyone else who is familiar with the devastation to flora, fauna and their habitat the discovery of gold brings. Even the search for gold causes harm to the environment and to the plants and animals that are in the way. What is particularly galling is this done for a mineral WE DO NOT NEED. Contrary to popular belief gold is not a critical mineral. About 7% is used for electronics, 45% for jewelry, and the rest gets reburied in bank vaults. For more info read The case against gold mining by Stephen Lezak et al 2023.

Hot Creek landscape
Hot Creek
  • Exploratory drilling has resumed for the third year at Spring Peak in the southeast corner of the Bodie Hills, near where the Bi-state Sage Grouse mate and forage. See Gold Exploration Continues in the Bodie Hills below.
  • Exploratory drilling has started at Sawtooth Ridge in the Bodie Hills behind the historic Aurora Cemetery. Hundreds of mature, healthy, pinyon trees will be ripped out to make flat, cleared areas for drilling and equipment.
  • Exploratory drilling was going to start in September at Hot Creek outside of Mammoth Lakes forcing Bi-state Sage Grouse and mule deer out of the area. However, the appeals court put a hold on drilling on August 25. We are waiting for the final opinion and hope the court will order an Environmental Assessment to be prepared.
  • Lastly, the BLM just opened a 60-day scoping public comment for an exploratory drilling project at Conglomerate Mesa.

Gold Exploration Starts in the Bodie Hills

Sawtooth Ridge road
Sawtooth Ridge

Drilling has started behind the historic Aurora Cemetery. Roads were put in removing young pinyon trees that had revegetated previous scars from the last time drilling occurred 30 years ago. It takes 35 years before pinyon trees start bearing cones. These trees were about to become viable reproducers. Hecla Nevada is currently drilling at one drill pad, but it’s possible that hundreds more pinyon trees will need to be ripped out for the other 12 drill pads.

Gold Exploration Continues in the Bodie Hills

Spring Peak landscape
Spring Peak

Headwater Gold has drilled 9 of the 23 drill sites allowed. Due to the abundant snowpack this past winter, there were wildflowers covering hillsides where I hadn’t seen them before. A gold mine there would not just take away wildflowers, it would destroy the springs, a meadow, and push away the Bi-state Sage Grouse, a threatened, candidate species.

Lynn Boulton is the Range of Light Chair. Photos by Lynn Boulton except where noted.