Candidate Statements for 2015 Executive Committee

It is Group Executive Committee Election time, and we have three candidates on the ballot this year! Watch your mailbox for your 2015 Executive Committee ballots, and please be sure to vote! In the meantime, please review candidate statements and photos below (statements will also be in the ballots).

Courtney Castaños 

Happy Autumn Sierra Club Members! I hope this season’s crisp air, glow of falling leaves and handful of mornings with the rain whispering in your ear has found you well. 
My name is Courtney Castaños and I am excited to be running for the Santa Cruz Group Executive Committee. As a long time outdoor educator I am constantly reminded of the powerfully transformative and positive influence our natural environment has in not only our own lives but especially in those of our children. I am so grateful for all the hard work and dedication the Sierra Club has put into protecting our wild lands and I would be honored to join in these efforts with you.Courtney Castanos
As an outdoor educator with a long and continuing history of working with many Santa Cruz and Watsonville school age children I will bring my unique perspective of what trends and desires are coming up in our school age communities and how the Sierra Club can best serve this important group.
The Sierra Club has a long history of advocating for the greater ecological community and I would be truly honored to contribute to this historical and salubrious effort.


Tawn Kennedy

Tawn Kennedy

Tawn has served on the Executive Committee for the last three years. He is passionate about sustainable transportation and continuing the Club's work of outreaching to young people of all ages. He loves riding his bike, going for hikes, and enjoys making art and building community. He is the director of Green Ways to School, a local non profit dedicated to getting local teens on bikes and exploring the amazing places they live.


Greg McPheeters

Greg McPheeters

As a lifelong environmentalist it has been an honor to spend the last 3 years serving on the local group Executive Committee. I have been passionate about environmental issues since I was a kid and have spent most of my life working in this field. Since 2001 I've been a Product Designer/Inventor in the Solar Industry and I am the designer of a leading brand of solar mounting hardware. I also have well over a decade of experience in the bicycle advocacy world primarily as the President of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. I want to nurture a strong, vibrant, and effective local Sierra Club. I want the club to be fun and rewarding for our members to be involved with. I want the club to make a meaningful impact on the local environmental movement, to work with other local groups, and not alienate members on contentious issues. Thanks for your consideration!