Position Letters


       2024-06-22  LICA ordinance ltr

       2024-05-08 Soquel Crk Wtr Dist ltr swallows EIR violation

       2024-04-25 Support for segments 10 and 11

       2024-03-25 P and R Staff -- Letter on San Lorenzo Park Redesign - submittal

       2024-03-23 Seg 10-11 Coastal Rail Trail FEIR ltr submittal

       2024-03-04 Soquel Crk Wtr Dist ltr swallows issue


        2023-12-05 Sierra Club letter re San Lorenzo Park

        2023-12-04 Sierra Club California statement Rio Del Mar Beach Island

        2023-10-30 Wharf Master Plan Recirculated EIR comments

        2023-07-31 SLR Levee Burrow Rodent Population and Veg  Management

        2023-05-30 Wharf Master Plan - recirculated DEIR

        2023-02-13 San Lorenzo Park comments letter  

        2023-01-26 SC Supervisors_Sierra Club_Leafblower Ban

       2023-01-26 Santa Cruz City Council_Sierra Club_Leafblower Ban

       2023-01-26 Scotts Valley City Council_Sierra Club_Leafblower Ban

        2023-01-26 Watsonville City Council_Sierra Club_Leafblower Ban

       2023-01-26 Capitola City Council_Sierra Club_Leafblower Ban

        2023-01-12 College Lake Disking

        2023-01-13 CTC Grant Application


2022-12-05 SCCity Lot 4 tree permit appeal letter submittal

2022-11-05 DEIR Segments 8 and 9 submittal

2022-10-14 SC County LCP comment letter Sierra Club - submittal

2022-09-07 City of Santa Cruz CAP 2030 comments

2022-06-17 Letter to city Lot 4 and trees
    2022-06-22 City of Santa Cruz response

2022-06-03 SB 396 OPPOSITION LETTER for Mark Stone

2022-05-25 Sustainability GP Update - DEIR
    2022-05-25 County Response to Sustainability GP Update - DEIR

2022-01-18 Santa_Cruz_LCP


2021-12-02  Comments Pajaro Valley Adaptive Management Plan

2021-10-26 Sierra Club Comments—PVWMA Draft Adaptive Management Plan

2021-09-22 Homeless Garden Project site relocation comments - SC County Council

2021-09-09  Homeless Garden in Pogonip Parks comments - SC Parks and Rec Commission 

2021-09-03 Letter to SIERRA CLUB-BOD_COVID_Protocols_Outings

2021-08-10 Sierra Club Comments DEIR Medical Bldg

2021-05-16 San Lorenzo river lighting

2021-03-07 Comments on UCSC 2021 LDRP Draft EIR

2021-03-04 Temporary Outdoor Living Ordinance Letter

2021-03-04 Riverfront Project- Appeal letter Final Revised

2021-03-03 Pajaro Valley Unified Bike Tech Letter

2021-02-14 city traffic engineer

2021-02-09 Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Thank You Letter



2020-12-11 Design for Bridges Spanning Highway 1

2020-11-27 Input on the TCAA from the Sierra Club

2020-11-17 Sierra Club Letter - PGE Tree Cutting

2020-10-14 Wharf Master Plan - FEIR - Sierra Club comments

2020-09-29 Amending General Plan and LCP for Felix Street Project

2020-09-10 Align with SB 743

2020-06-23 Riverfront Project- Sierra Club DEIR letter

2020-06-08 Slow Streets letter

2020-06-08 Monterey Bay Community Power letter on Nuclear Power CFAs

2020-05-25 Wharf Master Plan - DEIR Comments

2020-05-20 Santa Cruz lot 4 garage letter

2020-05-17 Medical Office Building Project NoP Comments

2020-02-13 Sierra Club letter -  TCAA

2020-01-22 Castle Rock Road and Trail Management Plan 

2020-01-20 Joining the Center for Biological Diversity’s lawsuit against Federal actions to open lands for fracking


2019-10-15 College Lake FEIR Comments

2019-07-31 Cotoni-Coast Dairies Letter

2019-07-17 JUMP Bike Concerns and Recommendations

2019-06-20 College Lake DEIR response letter

2019-06-03 BSD Thank you letter

2019-05-19 Panetta Letter Bird Safe Design

2019-04-16 Comments on the Recirculated IS/MND for Phase 2 of Segment 7 Rail Trail

2019-04-13 segment 7 phase II biological resources letter O Malley

2019-03-12 svicente redwood mnd comments

2019-03-12 Comments on REVISED Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of Santa Cruz Park

2019-03-05 Sierra Club North Coast FEIR letter

2019-02-04 Rail Trail recirculated IS_MND

2019-01-16 Pittwater Natural Heritage Association


2018-12-27 Comments on the Unified Corridor Investment Study

2018-12-05 Supporting VWC heritage tree proposal for county

2018-12-05  final devcon letter.doc


2018-11-12 Sierra Club's Support for VWC's PG&E Requests

2019-10-29 UCSC Housing DEIR Comments

2018-10-28 THP in Big Basin Water District

2018-09-24 North Coast DEIR Comments

2018-09-10 Ocean Street Extension Comments

2018-09-10 Trestle Comments CCC

2018-09-06 Downtown Library Comments


2018-08-13 Pure Water Soquel Draft EIR

2018-07-12 Sierra club letter in support of ATP Grant application

2018-07-03 Bird Safe Design Building Standards

2018-06-18 Comments on the MND for the San Lorenzo River Parkway Phase 111

2018-06-06 Sierra Club comments on Progressive Rail Contract

2018-05-21 Final Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement

2018.05.11 EIR Comment on Student Housing West Project

2018.05.08 Sierra Club Meas U endorsement letter

2018.05.06 Sierra Club Syda Cogliotti endorsement

2018.05.06 Sierra Club endorsment of Felipe Hernandez

2018.04.04 Letter Requesting Extension of Review - Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Student Housing West Project

2018.03.02 Heritage Tree on Washington St. and PG&E

2018.02.18 Comments on Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration  for the City of Santa Cruz Parks Master Plan 2030 SCPMP2030

2018.02.18 Nissan Dealership letter

2018.02.16 Sanborn Park Master Plan Comments

2018.02.16 Letter of Support for Loma Prieta Sanborn Park

2018.02.08 Sierra Club disagrees with proposed withdrawal of water quality criteria in CA


2017.12.12 Sanborn Master Plan Southern Area Christmas Tree Farm Site

2017.09.17 Sierra Club Request for Bird Safe Design Codes

2017.08.24 Sierra Club Requests Peer Review of the GSCTG Study

2017.06.22 Please Join the Climate Mayor’s Group

2017.06.01 City of Santa Cruz Draft Parks Master Plan 2030

2017.04.03 Parks Master Plan Process Clarification Request

2017.03.15 EIR for Downtown Recovery Plan (DRP), General Plan and Coastal Plan Amendments

2017.02.26 Support the Active Transportation Plan

2017.02.26 Monterey Bay Community Power

2017.02.13 Request for Extension to Review Period for Felton Meadow Draft EIR

2017.02.13 Support for Bike Share RFP


2016.12.05 Proposed Downtown Parking Garage Opposition Letter

2016.11.14 Letter and Petition to Conduct an EIR for the Wharf Master Plan

2016.10.19 October 20, 2016 RTC meeting, agenda item #4 on the Great Santa Cruz Trail study

2016.09.21 Aptos Village Soil Contamination Letter

2016.07.14 Need for City Engagement on PG&E Pipeline Tree Removal Proposal

2016.04.18 Support for Community Choice Aggregation (Local Renewable Energy Initiative)

2016.04.09 Santa Cruz County Cannabis Cultivation Committee (C4) Comments

2016-01-25 Sierra Club Hwy 1 DEIR Comments


2015-07-23 Sierra Club - RTC Passenger Rail Study Comments 072315

2015-06-08 San Lorenzo Bridge Widening_Santa Cruz Sierra Club

2015-05-09 City of Santa Cruz Capital Improvement Programs

2015-05-04 Sierra Club Scotts Valley Tree Ord 050415

2015-04-08 Sierra Club RTC Regional Tax Measure Proposal 040815

2015-03-09 Paddling on the San Lorenzo River

2015-01-15 Sierra Club Letter_Fish and Game Advisory Comm 011515

2015-01-12 Working Lands Resolution Letter_Sierra Club


2014-11-06 State Wildlife Action Plan Letter

2014-09-10 Sierra Club Letter_San Lorenzo River Watercraft Ordinance

2014-07-10 Letter Sierra Club Highway 1-9 Intersection Plan

2014-06-26 Sierra Club Hyatt Red Horse Chestnut

2014-06-25 Sierra Club - San Vicente Draft Plan Comments

2014-06-25 Sierra Club - San Lorenzo Tree Removal

2014-04-08 Sierra Club Fracking Comments

2014-04-06 RTC RTP Comments Sierra Club

2014-03-28 Sierra Club Letter_Anna Jean Cummings Park

2014-02-02 Jessie St Marsh Letter


2013-04-03  Schwann project

2013-02-25 Riparian Ordinance


2012-04-04 Sierra Club Letter_Climate Action Plan

2012-03-04 Sierra Club Letter_LAFCO UCSC

2012-02-07 SC Board of Supervisors Runoff and Pollution Control Letter