How to Become an Outings Leader

If you enjoy exploring wild lands, meeting new people, and leading adventures for them, you could make a great Sierra Club outings leader.

The Sierra Club’s outdoor activities aim to connect all people with the natural world and with the Club. As an outings leader with the Santa Cruz Group, you will join others in exploring wild lands, grappling with conservation issues, and even changing perceptions. 

What are the benefits of being a Sierra Club outings leader?
  • Designing trips that reflect your interests and passions

  • Spending time outdoors with like-minded people

  • The satisfaction of leading the conversation on local conservation issues and providing trips that help others connect with natural wonders


The basic requirements to become an outings leader are pretty simple.

The basic requirements are:

  1. You are a current Sierra Club member (if you're not, join online here!)
  2. You are at least 18 years of age
  3. 8 hours of relevant First Aid training. Contact the Outreach and Events Committee Chair for more information on recommended classes.
  4. Complete the Outings Leader Training: Basic ("OLT 101") userid is clubhouse and password is explore.
  5. Have outing participant skills appropriate for the activities of the trip.
  6. Provisionally lead at least one outing and receive a positive evaluation by your mentor leader (find more on mentors below)
  7. Receive approval to lead outings from the Outreach and Events Committee Chair.
Mentor evaluation

Choose a current outing leader to act as your mentor — you can meet outings leaders by participating in their trips. You will scout your first outing with your mentor and lead the outing with your mentor in attendance. Make sure to list this first outing in the Group calendar. Your mentor’s role should be primarily to observe you and behave pretty much as just another participant. Following the outing, the mentor leader will provide feedback on how you did.  

Following a successful first outing, you will be a full-fledged outings leader and able to lead outings on your own. And then, Happy Trails!


Contact the Outreach and Events Committee Chair.