Sierra Club Opposes Greenway Petition to Stop Clean Light Rail

Sierra Club Opposes Greenway Petition to Stop Clean Light Rail

Light Rail on bridgep
Photo used with permission from FORT (Friends of the Rail and Trail)

As you may be aware, national club policy supports the development of local passenger rail infrastructure. Locally, our club supports proceeding with the current plan to build a world class bike and pedestrian trail while saving the tracks for future transit.

There are opponents to public transit who are circulating a petition to put on the ballot a measure that would remove all planning for future passenger rail service from the Santa Cruz County General Plan and replace it with a trail-only plan which would involve removing the existing tracks. This would effectively prevent the implementation of clean light rail in the future.

The Sierra Club has long advocated for rail transit systems because rail transit promotes Transit Oriented Development (TOD), an effective strategy for reducing urban sprawl and preserving open space. In the long run, because rail is centered on a single line and around stations, it supports infill along the corridor and a lifestyle in which residents are able to walk for a majority of their needs and use the train for longer trips. Trips taken via electric rail systems have low greenhouse gas emissions per rider and encourage civic interactions. They allow residents long range mobility without the need for significant investments of personal capital. Rail transit on the corridor will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide equitable mobility to the residents of Santa Cruz County.

We strongly oppose the Greenway petition and urge all our members to not sign it. Should this measure qualify for the ballot, we urge our members to vote NO on this transit destroying measure.