[muir] The Sierra Club's "History/Future Task Force"... [more]


Rincon Group / Our Blogs / John Muir. . .


Thank you so much for your interest and application to serve on the Sierra Club History and Future Task Force....

We received over fifty applications, and the Board of Directors decided on this group of 13 members. As you can see, it is geographically and racially diverse, multi-generational, and has a good mix of people who are relatively new to the Sierra Club, along with people who have been a part of the community for a very long time....!

The charge by the Board of Directors for the Sierra Club History and Future Task Force is as follows:

"The Board of Directors extends to the following people invitations to join the reexamining Sierra Club’s history and future task force, which was approved by the Board on August 20, 2020: Cheyenne Skye Branscum, Dan Chu (staff co-chair), Deitra Covington, Ginny Cramer, Marlene Esquivel, Don Ferber, Chad Hanson, Kris Hohag, Aaron Mair, Mary Ann Nelson, Mike O’Brien (volunteer co-chair), Dan Ritzman, and Mike Wurtz. The short-term task force will review and approve supporting materials and communications around the effort to reexamine Sierra Club’s past to acknowledge racism and problematic aspects throughout our long history and understand how that affects our ability to advance our equity, inclusion and justice commitments. The task force will also work with volunteers, staff and other experts such as outside historians and equity and justice experts as needed. The task force will bring for consideration to the full Board of Directors its recommendations around maintaining Sierra Club’s commitment to racial equity and transparency while reckoning with contested elements of its past."

The work of this task force will be:

  • to better understand the impact of John Muir’s writings on Sierra Club supporters, volunteer leaders and allies;
  • to lift up stories of women and BIPOC leaders who have contributed to the Sierra Club’s 128 year evolution and;
  • to help the Sierra Club advance equity and justice for all living beings.
  • We anticipate having various stakeholders and experts come to join our conversations at various meetings to inform our conversations....

Thank you for your dedication to ensuring that all of us can enjoy, explore, and protect this planet!


Dan Chu and Mike O’Brien = Sierra Club History and Future Task Force Co-Leads 

  Dan Chu 
Executive Director
Sierra Club Foundation
2101 Webster St Suite 1250

Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (415) 995-1781
Web: Sierra Club Foundation

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / John Muir. . .