Political, Legislative

Support Candidates Who Support the NC Sierra Club

Sierra Club Endorses Brian Farkas for NC House of Representatives District 8

Protecting Our Environment: 
Brian has promised to stand up for our environment and for clean energy opportunities from coast to coast.  He knows we need to tackle climate change head-on, transition to a clean energy economy, and protect our communities from the rapidly increasing impacts of hurricanes and floods.

Some of his accomplishments are:

  1. Secured over $100 million in disaster relief, flood mitigation, and resiliency efforts, critical to ENC as climate change continues to impact our coastline.
  2. Filed legislation to modernize the public polluter spill notification process (HB 885) so everyone know when there’s pollution in their water.
  3. Served as a primary sponsor on legislation to ban the environmentally damaging practice of fracking in North Carolina.
  4. Co-sponsored House Bill 130, to authorize the addition of the East Coast Greenway in Central and Eastern North Carolina to the State Parks System.
  5. Co-sponsored legislation to require reductions in energy and water consumption in public buildings by 2028.

Help the Sierra Club of Eastern North Carolina fight for our environment by voting for Brian Farkas.

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