Adam Beitman

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Press Releases

Senators Cruz and Cornyn Sell out Texans to Billionaires

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn (R-TX) voted for and actively championed the deeply regressive congressional tax scheme, which authorizes drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge…

Government Climate Reports Directly Contradict Trump & Pruitt’s Denial

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. government released major scientific reports today that further strengthen the connection between human activity and the climate crisis. As part of the Congressionally…

Sierra Club Statement on Senator Manchin’s Comments Regarding Scott Pruitt.

CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA - In Response to comments made by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) about Donald Trump’s EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt:Bill Price, a Sierra Club organizer and public health advocate in…

Activists Announce Major Climate March in DC & Nationwide on April 29th

WASHINGTON, DC - In the wake of last weekend’s Women’s Marches, activists have announced a major “People’s Climate March” on April 29th in Washington, D.C. and across the country. The effort is being…

Attention Donald Trump: New Report Shows Clean Energy Employs Far More Workers than Coal, Oil & Gas

** READ THE REPORT ** WASHINGTON - As EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt touts a new executive order attacking the Clean Power Plan, new Sierra Club analysis of Department of Energy 2017 jobs data across…

House Science Committee Embraced Alternative Facts Before They Were Popular

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21) held a hearing of the House Science Committee to attack the overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity is driving  climate change.…

Milestone 250th and 251st American Coal Plants Announce Retirement

DAYTON, OHIO - Today marked the 250th U.S. coal plant that has retired or committed to retire since the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign began in 2010, driving coal use down to its lowest level in…

Pruitt Should Follow Puzder Out The Door

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Donald Trump’s radically unfit nominee to run the Department of Labor is reportedly withdrawing from consideration after it became clear he could not be confirmed by the Senate.  …

Pruitt’s emails confirm worst fears: he’s in bed with polluters, fossil fuel industry

WASHINGTON D.C. -- As a result of an Open Records Act request and lawsuit filed by the Center for Media and Democracy, on Tuesday night the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office released a batch of more…

Senators Receive "Pruitt Survival Kits" at the U.S. Capitol

WASHINGTON, DC - Clean air and water advocates are delivered “Pruitt Survival Kits” to members of the United States Senate today. Each “Pruitt Survival Kit” included one bottle of clean water and one…