Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth US React to G7 Summit Climate Commitments

UNITED KINGDOM -- Today, the three-day G7 summit came to an end with announcements about tackling the climate crisis. The climate and environment section of today’s Communique announced joint actions…

In Saying No To Senate Republicans, President Biden Says Yes To Action Needed

Washington, DC -- Today, President Biden ended negotiations with Senate Republicans on crafting an infrastructure package that meets the needs of the people and country. In response, Sierra Club…

Sierra Club Calls For Eliminating The Filibuster As It Currently Exists

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Late yesterday, the Senate Rules and Administration Committee advanced S.1, the For the People Act, to the floor for a final vote. The For The People Act is a landmark democracy…

With HFCs Rule, EPA Wasting No Time Taking Bold Climate Action

Washington, DC -- Today, EPA Administrator Michael Regan will announce the first major climate pollution rule under President Biden: an 85% reduction in hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 2036. HFCs are…

Statement Ahead of Joint Address: Biden’s First 100 Days A Bold Success -- With Much More Needed

Washington, DC -- Tonight, President Biden will give his first joint address to Congress. In his address, the president is expected to speak about his administration’s response to the ongoing…

A Return to Normal Cannot Include a Return of Mass Shootings

Oakland, CA -- On Thursday evening, eight people were murdered in a mass shooting near Indianapolis, IN. As of today, there have been 147 mass shootings in 2021, with at least 45 mass shootings in…

Sustainable Finance Commitments From JPMorgan Chase are Encouraging, but Action on Emissions Reductions is Missing

New York, NY — Today, JPMorgan Chase announced a goal to finance and facilitate $2.5 trillion into climate solutions and sustainable development over the next ten years, but the bank failed to make…

Sierra Club Endorses Melanie Stansbury for Congress

Santa Fe, NM -- On Saturday, March 27, the Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Melanie Stansbury in the special election for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District. "We are excited to endorse…

Sierra Club Statement on the Racially Targeted Murders in Georgia

Atlanta, GA -- Yesterday, eight people were murdered and one injured at three spas in the greater Atlanta area. Six of those killed were Asian women. Last night’s mass shooting follows a disturbing…

Wells Fargo Catches Up to Peers in Setting Net-Zero Financed Emissions Goal Short on Details

New York, NY -- Today, Wells Fargo became the last major U.S. bank — following Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Citi, and Goldman Sachs — to make an explicit commitment to achieve net zero financed…