Your Support for Public Lands Needed Now in the U.S. Congress

Your help is needed right now to stop any effort by the U.S. Congress and the Trump Administration from selling off our national birthright, our public lands.

One of the first orders of business that Republicans in the U.S. Congress took-up was to change the budget rules for the U.S. House of Representatives.  This budget rules change denies that federal lands have any value at all!  This change allows the U.S. Congress to ignore previous requirements that any bill that gives away federal land does not decrease federal revenue or contribute to the federal debt.

This hidden political move allows the U.S. Congress to more easily sell off and get rid of the 640 million acres of public National Parks, National Forests, National Monuments, National Preserves, National Recreation Areas, National Wildlife Refuges, and Bureau of Land Management National Conservation Area lands.  Your opposition needs to ring loud right now in the U.S. Congress!

Federal public lands are not only a natural legacy for all of our citizens, which provide us with clean air, clean water, recreational challenges, solitude, quiet, enjoyment, beautiful vistas, fabulous scenery, abundant and interesting wildlife and vegetation, but also serve as a symbol of the “American Way of Life” for other countries and their citizens.

Each year about $646 billion in economic benefits and 6.1 million jobs come from recreation on public lands.  Millions of visitors from other countries come each year to the United States to marvel, enjoy these lands, and spend their hard eared cash to do so.   

In Texas, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Angelina National Forests, Big Thicket National Preserve, Trinity River, Anahuac, San Bernard, Aransas, Laguna Atascosa and Brazoria National Wildlife Refuges, San Antonio Missions Historic Park, Big Bend National Park, and Guadalupe National Park make up just some of our important federal public lands.

Don't let the U.S. Congress privatize, give away, and or sell-off these public lands.   They are more precious, important, and valuable as the national, natural, treasures that they are and not as just as another road or subdivision.

Tell your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators that you oppose any effort to sell-off, give away, or give management up on federal park, forest, wildlife refuge, and other public lands.  The time to speak up is right now!!!

Contact your U.S. Senators at:

John Cornyn, 202-224-2934

Ted Cruz, 202-224-5922

Contact your Houston Area U.S. Representative at:

Ted Poe, District 2, 202-225-6565

John Culberson, District 7, 202-225-2571

Kevin Brady, District 8, 202-225-4901

Al Green, District 9, 202-225-7508

Michael T. McCaul, District 10, 202-225-2401

Randy Weber, District 14, 202-225-2831

Sheila Jackson Lee, District 18, 202-225-3816

Pete Olson, District 22, 202-225-5951

Gene Green, District 29, 202-225-1688

Brian Babin, District 36, 202-225-1555