You have probably heard about the floating plastic garbage patches that occupy large gyres in the world’s oceans.  Well, some good news! – a remarkable project to start cleaning up this plastic debris is underway and expected to bPlastic garbageegin implementation later this year.  Impressively this project is the result of a Dutch student’s high school science project, and his determination to confront all obstacles and persevere. It is also an example of how modern communications technology and networking can empower citizens to tackle environmental problems directly. 

Below are links to several videos that provide details about the project, various development stages (there were some technology and design changes along the way), and background on Boyan Slat, the Dutch student behind it all. By the way, June 8 is World Ocean Day. 

Website for The Ocean Cleanup    

Video update presentation from May 2017, outlining the latest project details:    

Video, condensed project overview, December 2016:

Earlier talk, June 2014 – background, how the project developed, early technology:

Boyan Slat becomes the youngest winner of the United Nation’s Champions of the Earth Award for inspiring efforts to cleanup the oceans:

This article was contributed by Frank Blake at