Houston's Nature Preserve Ordinance

Last fall the City of Houston passed a Nature Preserve Ordinance, which is intended to protect 7,423 acres of natural habitat in city parks. These are existing areas of natural habitat that will now have protection from future development. 

Excerpts from the City's press release:

"Houston City Council has approved an ordinance designed to protect 7,423 acres of natural habitat in City of Houston parks. The ordinance preserves land within 26 parks with a focus on habitat protection and passive recreation. The nature preserves will ensure the preservation of habitat for native wildlife and for the ecosystem services they provide to the citizens of Houston. The areas will help mitigate flooding, store carbon, reduce urban heat island effects, improve air and water quality, and provide educational opportunities for the public."

"Most of the parks included in the ordinance have both developed areas and nature preserve sections. Nature preserve boundaries will be clearly marked."

"The Houston Parks and Recreation Department’s Natural Resources Management Program will be responsible for creating oversight objectives at the sites."

Here is the City's full press release:

NaturePreserveOrdinance.pdf (houstontx.gov)

The Nature Preserves

A list of the currently designated Nature Preserves can be found at this website (scroll down for list):

Natural Resources (houstontx.gov)

For questions or comments on this notice, contact Frank Blake at frankblake@juno.com