Celebrating Nevada's Elected Environmental Champions

By Shelbie Lynn Swartz

On November 16, Nevada certified the results of the 2020 Election, with 78 percent of Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter-endorsed candidates successful in their bids for office.

“To create stronger environmental laws, we need to elect stronger environmental candidates,” said Brian Beffort, director of the Toiyabe Chapter. “On behalf of the Toiyabe Chapter, thank you so much to all of the candidates who fought tooth and nail in their respective races, and congratulations to those who have been elected to serve. The Toiyabe Chapter is ready to work with these elected champions to move forward with meaningful policies to increase renewable energy, climate solutions, and environmental protection.”


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Help enact strong climate, energy, and justice laws at Nevada's 2021 legislative session


The Toiyabe Chapter endorsed 50 candidates in the 2020 Election. With the election of 38 environment-forward candidates, the Chapter’s legislative volunteer team and local groups are excited to get to work with those that will be setting policy decisions at the local, state, and federal levels.

At the county and municipal levels, the Toiyabe Chapter will be working with the recently-elected to enact a Climate and Sustainability Plan in Clark County, to support the implementation of the Reno’s 2019 Climate Action Plan, and pro-climate and environmental protection at all levels throughout the region.

The Toiyabe Chapter researched candidates and issues up and down the ballot in Nevada, and endorsed candidates according to their policy positions on a docket of environmental issues, including climate action, renewable energy, and strong protection of public lands and wildlife. As we look to the 2021 Legislature, our priorities include the following: 

  • Mining tax reform and other key revenue reforms to help Nevada heal our economy devastated by COVID-19,
  • Energy efficiency and transportation electrification to help meet Nevada’s ambitious renewable energy and carbon-reduction goals,
  • Environmental justice and climate initiatives to help those who have been hardest hit by the impacts of climate disruption and past planning practices,
  • And other legislation to protect Nevada’s public lands, wildlife, water, and communities.

At the top of the ballot, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris secured 306 electoral college votes. The Sierra Club congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on this victory, and celebrates their decisive mandate to begin immediate executive action on the strongest climate, clean energy, and environmental justice platform ever advanced by a presidential ticket.

Now, we all need to work together, with a strong, united voice for climate solutions and justice for everyone.

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