What does good land use look like in practice? You Tell Us.

The Infill Task Force, made up of a team of Sierra Club volunteers working on land use and infill in their communities and the Clean Transportation for All campaign released the Infill Guidance last year. Many of you provided feedback, attended webinars, or supported our team with our rollout. 

The feedback we still hear today is: What does good land use look like in practice?

We heard you loud and clear! But to answer that question, we need your help! We’re collecting examples of land use from across the country to compile into a report.  

Specifically, we want to see development projects that have to do with housing, transportation (especially projects that encourage walking, biking, or public transit), and green jobs (like the weatherization of existing housing). 

Tim Frank wrote this blog to talk through our 'why' and to give some history on what Sierra Club has done in the past. 

Please take 10 minutes to fill out our survey!