Volunteer to Table Community Events

Tabling Events for Toiyabe Chapter is a fun way to volunteer. Tabling teams come up with fun, interactive activities that can help raise awareness and garner support for our issues, advertise for events, and recruit new members. Earth Day is coming up and there are usually many opportunities for tabling events, as well as all year on campuses, farmers markets, fairs, and more. 

What Is Tabling? Set up a table with information and sign-up forms and then engage with passersby to recruit them as members, inform them about Sierra Club policy issues, and ask them to take action. 

Who might be interested in Tabling? Graphic artists, artists of all kinds that would lead an activity, activists, outdoor enthusiasts, people who like to have fun with the public. 

How does the team work? Team members put in some prep time beforehand to brainstorm and create a fun activity to get the public to learn about our cause. Create hand-outs, signs, sign-up sheets, activity supplies (example – create a photo booth or seed ball station). Team members locate and make arrangements for tabling at events and colleges. 

Don’t be afraid to table with different activities to see which one works the best! 

One of the best things about tabling is you never know who you’re going to meet. 

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, contact Volunteer Coordinator – Teresa Bell at Toiyabe.volunteer@sierraclub.org. We are looking for a Tabling Leader in northern and southern Nevada also. It’s a great way to get to know other members too!

Photo by Vinny Spotleson from the Southern Nevada Group of National Drive Electric Week 2021