Hard work saves New State Park on the Eleven Point River

By John Hickey

During this past legislative session, anti-public lands forces tried to overturn plans for a new state park on the Eleven Point River in southeast Missouri, and force the sale of the land to private interests. Fortunately, thanks to hard work by Sierra Club members across the state, this legislation did not pass.

The State Parks Division has purchased 4,200 acres straddling both sides of the Eleven Point River south of Highway 160, including about eight river miles total. This section of the river is part of the National Wild and Scenic River system, but it passed through private property that was being used for cattle pasture. The Parks Division plans to convert the pasture back to native vegetation, cleaning up the river by reducing erosion and e. coli contamination from cow manure.

Funds to purchase the land came from a legal settlement with ASARCO, the lead mining company whose sloppy practices poisoned large areas with mine waste. Part of those funds are targeted to rehabilitating damaged land, while another part is dedicated to purchasing “mitigation” land in the same eco-region. The property along the Eleven Point River was purchased with this mitigation funding.

Sierra Club members contacted their state representatives and senators, traveled to Jefferson City to lobby, and wrote letters to the editors of newspapers across the state. Now, it is time for the fun part –float this stretch of the river over the summer, and post your experience and pictures on the “Missouri Sierra Club” Facebook page!