The Missouri Sierra Club is dedicated to protecting the people and natural environment of our state through legislative advocacy. We work tirelessly to promote laws and policies that safeguard our environment, promote clean energy, combat climate change, fight for justice, and strengthen our democracy. In a state with a notoriously anti-environment legislature, we are proud to be the only environmental organization in Missouri that follows and engages in the wide variety of environmental issues that our legislature engages with. With our team of passionate advocates and volunteers, we engage with lawmakers and decision-makers at all levels of government to push for strong environmental protections. Our efforts have led to important victories, such as the passage of Prop C (the renewable energy standards in Missouri), preventing the sale of 11 Point State Park to private developers, winning strong climate resiliency plans for our communities, and the designation of several wilderness areas in the state. In a state where environmental racism leaves marginalized populations particularly vulnerable, it is our responsibility to take action. Join us in the fight for a healthier, more sustainable future for all Missourians.
Legislative Advocacy
You deserve to know how your State Senator and Representative have voted on key environmental legislation. Your elected officials are supposed to represent you and that's why we created the Missouri Sierra Club's Legislative Scorecards. These scorecards provide a valuable resource for voters who want to know where their elected officials stand on environmental issues. Our scorecards evaluate legislators' voting records and sponsorship of bills related to clean air and water, energy, conservation, and other important environmental issues. By holding elected officials accountable for their actions, we can not only promote responsible environmental stewardship, but also ensure that the Missouri government protects the well-being of all of its citizens.
State representatives and senators continue to push an anti-environment agenda that harms our communities and the Sierra Club Missouri Chapter's work is vital to stop this dangerous legislation. Click here to learn more about how a bill becomes a law in Missouri.
Explore the links below to find your elected officials’ environmental voting record with Sierra Club Missouri Chapter Legislative Scorecards or track developments and proposed policies in the Missouri legislature alongside our positions papers.
Legislative Committee
The Missouri Sierra Club Legislative Committee works to advance our advocacy efforts in Jefferson City. Our committee members stay up-to-date on the latest environmental issues and policies affecting Missouri, and work closely with elected officials and other stakeholders to promote legislation that protects our natural resources and promotes a sustainable future. From clean energy and transportation to land conservation and water quality, our committee members are passionate about making a positive impact on our state's environment.
For more information on the Sierra Club Legislative Committee contact Political Director Michael Berg at michael.berg@sierraclub.org.
Political Endorsements
The Missouri Sierra Club is proud to endorse candidates who share our values of environmental protection and sustainability. Our organization and Political Action Committee carefully evaluate candidates running for public office and support those who have a proven track record of promoting policies that safeguard our natural resources and combat the climate crisis. We believe that by endorsing environmentally-friendly candidates, we can create a more sustainable future for Missouri and all its residents and keep our communities safe from preventable harm. The Sierra Club Missouri Chapter also takes positions on referenda and ballot initiatives and makes recommendations for voters. Our endorsements reflect our commitment to clean air and water, healthy communities, a thriving natural environment, and environmental justice. Join us in supporting these candidates and making Missouri a better place for generations to come.
Click the link below to learn more about Sierra Club Missouri Chapter's candidate endorsements and recommendations for referenda and ballot initiatives.
Political Committee
The Missouri Sierra Club Political Committee is a group of passionate volunteers dedicated to advancing our organization's advocacy efforts at the state and local levels. Our committee works to elect environmentally friendly candidates to public office by providing grassroots support and public endorsements. We carefully evaluate candidates' positions on environmental issues and support those committed to promoting policies that protect our environment and combat climate change.
We have played an increasingly active role in elections in recent years. This active committee welcomes volunteer participation - particularly during the busy campaign season - to assist with research, phone calls and interviews. We are also looking for longer-term volunteer committee members who have knowledge of Missouri politics and wish to be part of the endorsement process.
For more information on Sierra Club political activities in Missouri, contact Ross Hunt, Missouri Political Committee Chair at rhunt711@gmail.com.
PAC Donations
PAC donations are critical to our operations, and your donation of any size will help us achieve our goals.
Donate Online to the Missouri Sierra Club
Send your check to:
Missouri Sierra Club PAC
PO Box 432010
St. Louis, MO 63143