Sierra Club Endorsement Wins 2022

When the citizens of our state go to the polls, Sierra Club Ohio offers information and guidance through political endorsements. These endorsements are based primarily on three major criteria:

  1. The candidate’s overall record and platform, as measured by their history of public service, public statements, and responses to Sierra Club interviews and questionnaires
  2. The candidate’s performance on environmental, racial equity, justice and inclusion issues
  3. The candidate’s prospect of winning the election, or at least mounting a credible campaign

Encouragingly, Sierra Club Ohio-endorsed candidates all over the Buckeye State saw their campaigns victorious as Ohioans made their collective voice heard on the need for a better future when it comes to issues of inclusion, equality, and environmental protection.

Once the ballots were tallied, 17 of the 24 political candidates who were endorsed by Sierra Club Ohio in the November 2022 election were put through by the people to fight the good fight on their behalf. Here’s a look at some of the winners:

Greg Landsman – Ohio’s 1st Congressional District 

During his time as a City Councilman, Representative-Elect Landsman worked to strengthen the Green Cincinnati Plan and supported the “largest municipally-led solar project in America.” According to his campaign’s website, Landsman vows to “fight to protect access to clean air & water and hold polluters accountable for damages that disproportionately impact our already marginalized communities.”

Joyce Beatty – Ohio’s 3rd Congressional District 

Winning re-election, Congresswoman Beatty returns to Capitol Hill with the message that the science is in and climate change is an alarming threat to our planet. According to her website, Beatty wants to “invest in federal programs to address climate change, prevent spending cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), fully enforce the Clean Air Act, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize our reliance on fossil fuels, and promote energy efficiency and conservation.” Beatty also voices her support for the United States remaining a full partner in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Marcy Kaptur – Ohio’s 9th Congressional District 

Congresswoman Kaptur’s website describes her as “a strong advocate of environmental responsibility and progressive policies to revitalize the Great Lakes ecosystem.” She supports a permanent ban on drilling in the Great Lakes as well as a strict ban on the diversion of their waters. In 2003, Congresswoman Kaptur introduced with John Dingell and helped to secure the passage of HR 289 or the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex Expansion and Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act. She is also the driving force behind The 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act whish aims to provide jobs rebuilding infrastructure, including parks, trails, forests, and waterways.

Emilia Sykes – Ohio’s 13th Congressional District 

In response to questions posed by Sierra Club Ohio, Representative Sykes states: “I strongly believe that access to clean water, clean air and a clean environment is a basic human right. Climate change is one of our greatest threats, and combined with systemically racist environmental policies, it’s hindering the ability of current and future generations to secure better jobs, better lives, and brighter futures.” 

She has advocated against the disastrous H.B. 6, she worked to protect, preserve, and restore Ohio’s lake and river water quality though the H2Ohio Trust Fund, supported effort to incentivize the manufacturing and ownership of electric vehicles in Ohio, and “helped to secure a historic increase of $70 million for public transit.” 

Nickie Antonio – State Senate’s 23rd District 

According to her campaign website, “Senator Antonio supports efforts to create manufacturing jobs in green and sustainable technologies. She passed SB61, making it easier for homeowners in planned communities to install solar systems on their properties.”

Allison Russo – Ohio House’s 7th District 

Rep. Russo supports recommitment to Ohio’s Renewable Portfolio Standard and, through a statement on her campaign website, commits to “work to prioritize renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and encourage clean energy industries and jobs in Ohio. By cutting down on harmful emissions, pollution, and waste, these policies will ensure that our environment, communities, and quality of life are secured for future generations.”

Casey Weinstein – Ohio House’s 34th District 

According to her campaign website, Rep. Weinstein believes that we must focus on “sustainable and responsible environmental policies.” She states: “I was proud to vote in favor of a budget that included $170 million for the H2Ohio program geared at long term, sustainable, science-based, and cost-effective protection of Ohio’s water resources, and $47 million for preservation of AEP ReCreation Lands that ensures accessibility and protection for almost 55,000 of acres that were in jeopardy of being sold.”

Other candidates endorsed by Sierra Club Ohio that ran successful campaigns in the November 2022 election include:

OH HD 4    Mary Lightbody 

OH HD 13   Mike Skindell 

OH HD 14   Sean Brennan 

OH HD 16   Bride Sweeney

OH HD 19   Phil Robinson 

OH HD 24   Dani Isaacsohn 

OH HD 25   Cecil Thomas

OH HD 27   Rachel Baker

OH HD 28   Jessica Miranda

Hamilton County Commissioner    Cynthia Dumas