Leave a Legacy

Thank you for considering a bequest to benefit Sierra Club Ohio. When you include us in your planned giving, you are leaving an environmental legacy for future generations.

Bequests may be tax deductible or non-tax deductible. The difference
is how they are used. Tax deductible bequests can only be used for
education and outreach purposes. Non-tax deductible bequests can be
used for advocacy on critical issues as well as our conservation work.

Your legacy gift will be put to work to further Sierra Club Ohio's
efforts to save our planet.  Below find the suggested
bequest language.

SIERRA CLUB -- Not deductible for estate tax purposes:
I give _____________  [amount or percentage] to Sierra Club, tax-ID
number 94-1153307, a California nonprofit corporation, currently
located at 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300, Oakland, CA, 94612
(Attention: Gift Planning Program), to be used by Sierra Club Ohio
for the protection and preservation of the environment. In the
event that Sierra Club Ohio (or its successor) ceases to exist as a
Sierra Club entity, then the Board of Directors of Sierra Club shall
have sole authority in administering the funds with priority to
projects in Ohio.

SIERRA CLUB FOUNDATION -- Deductible for estate tax purposes:
I give _____________ [amount or percentage] to the Sierra Club
Foundation, tax-ID number 94-6069890, a California nonprofit
corporation, currently located at 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1250,
Oakland, CA, 94612 (Attention: Gift Planning Program), to be used to
support the charitable activities of Sierra Club Ohio. In
the event that Sierra Club Ohio (or its successor) ceases to exist as
a Sierra Club entity, then the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club
Foundation shall have sole authority in administering the funds with
priority to projects in Ohio.

Please contact Sierra Club's Gift Planning Program at (800) 932-4270
or giftplanning@sierraclub.org if you:
- Have included Sierra Club Ohio as a beneficiary of your plans,
- Want information on naming other Sierra Club entities in your plans,
- Would like information on other giving vehicles, such as an IRA
beneficiary form, or
- Would like information on earning income for life.

Thank you for your support!