Legislative Action

Ohio Legislative Committee & Legislative Working Group

The Ohio Legislative Committee meets regularly to review, analyze and track pending statewide legislation, to provide regular updates and other communications to the statewide Conservation Committee and to our members, to help develop the Ohio Sierra Club’s legislative priorities, and to recommend actions related to pending statewide legislation. Members of the Legislative Committee also help to build and establish relationships with legislators and other elected officials, and ensure that they are educated about our members' legislative priorities.

The Legislative Working Group assists the Legislative Committee, primarily by helping to review, analyze and track pending legislation. Any Sierra Club member in Ohio who is interested in the lawmaking process can participate in the Working Group. If you would like to receive regular updates from our Legislative Committee on priority legislation and ways to engage, email Nathan Alley (nathan.alley@sierraclub.org) to get on our email list.

Priority Legislation in the 135th General Assembly: Click here for document

Legislative Committee Members

Hari Iyer, Akron
Rich Jordan, Cincinnati
Ish Gad, Toledo
Julianna Charlene Cecylia Kolczynski, At-Large Representative
Kylie Hanson, Columbus; Young Environmental Leaders Representative

For more information about the Ohio Legislative Committee, and how to get involved in the Legislative Working Group, please contact Nathan.Alley@SierraClub.org.

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