Congratulations, Dave Eckert!

Congratulations, Dave Eckert! Congratulations, Dave, on being named the recipient of this year's Preservation Award given by the local group PreservationWORKS. Dave was recognized for his work as a steward of the land and as an educator. His list of accomplishments is quite long. It includes:

  • Restoring Dunawi Creek so that it now flows above ground from Bald Hill
  • Collaborating with the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde to choose the name Lamprey Creek for a stream that had no name. This was celebrated with a drumming blessing at the Lamprey Creek Awakening ceremony.
  • Co-creating the Champinefu Lecture Series, now in its 6th year, with the Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde. The talks explore the relationship of the Kalapuya peoples to the land as well as their history and culture.
  • Leading Earth Day Tours and Urban Stream Tours in Corvallis to help us appreciate the streams and natural history of our town.
  • Expanding the vegetative buffer along Dixon Creek and cleaning parts of the Mill Race in south Corvallis.
  • With Barry Wulff, Dave created the annual field trips to Marys Peak for eighth graders from the local area. While on the mountain, the students hear talks from experts on the history, geology, and biology of this Oregon icon.

These projects and many more were led by Dave with volunteers from Marys Peak Group, the Water Action Team of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and students from OSU. Participating in this work was an excellent education for all of us. Thanks for this and much more, Dave!