Get Involved

Sierra Club has many opportunities where you can share your passions, your talents and your voice. The opportunities span the range from participating in hikes to enjoy nature, to helping to spread the word on environment issues, to helping young people experience and learn about nature and science.

Here in the Nashville area we welcome you to join us in our activities. You don't necessarily have to be a member of Sierra Club although we hope you'll join us. We would love to see you with us in one of the activities below. "Yes we CAN" - but not without you!

ICO - Inspiring Connections Outdoors


What’s Involved

Volunteers are welcome to join any ICO outing.

Volunteers can accompany the hikes, interacting with the kids and supporting the leader. No prior experience is necessary, just a desire to help out and have fun! And the kids love getting out in nature.

Getting Started

To get started, simply contact us through this volunteer form. If you want to go on outings you will be asked to provide an e-mail so that the Sierra Club’s background check (similar to one for employment) can be initiated. Once you have decided which outing to attend, contact the leader to express your interest and arrange when and where to meet. Helpers don't need to take all the training!

Current Hike Scheduling

The schedule of hikes is posted on our ICO Activities page. It contains a schedule of current outings with contact information for leaders. Once you contact our Volunteer Coordinator we can provide you with more information.

Reach Out To Our Members and The Public

Like to communicate? Your talent as a writer for news articles on our website and in our eNewsletter can inspire our readers to action. Your skills in organizing can help us present interesting monthly programs by finding speakers, arranging the meeting and helping our webmaster and editors promote it. If you would like to add a skill to your resume, you can even schedule and moderate our Zoom vitual programs.

Educational Outreach

Sierra Club member Robert Wingfield can give presentations about about environmental issues to your group or class.  If interested, please contact Robert at

What Else Can I do?

Want to get involved with protecting our environment, join in activist events such as public hearings or marches or campaigns, or join is some of our community events with Sierra Club members? We would love to talk with you to discuss the many ways you can join with us. Leaders would be glad to have you join with them, or to have your help in planning and organizing activities, or to simply have you participate. Or maybe you want to be a leader in our community. Ask us!