Help Out at Progressive Events in Madison

For all you ardent enviros, we have two of Madison’s finest progressive events coming up the weekend of September 17 and 18. The Sierra Club will have a booth at both, and your presence is requested to help staff the table and talk with the throngs eager to hear about how they can help us regain a safe environment and restore a progressive agenda in Wisconsin. In addition, both are terrific events; Fighting Bobfest with it’s great speakers, and the Willy St Fair with its wonderful parade, variety of music stages, mouthwatering foods and interesting booths. You’re sure to find lots of friendly activists to talk with at both events and you’re also likely to run into a few friends.

Fighting Bobfest ( will be held at Breese Stevens field off East Washington in Madison on Saturday, September 17 from 9 am - 6 pm, and is being presented by the Progressive Magazine and the Capital Times. Speakers include our current U.S. senator, our next senator, Rep Mark Pocan, some state legislators, and a long lineup of activists including the great investigative reporter Greg Palast.
Shifts are from:
9 am - noon
noon - 3 pm
3 - 6 pm
Shift times can also be flexed to suit your availability.
The Willy St Fair ( always marks for Madison, the end of summer - but what a way to go out! Hosted by the Marquette Neighborhood Association and Commonwealth Development, the main day and when we’ll be there is on Sunday, September 18. 
Shifts are from:
noon - 3 pm
3 - 6 pm
Shift times can also be flexed to suit your availability.


Contact Don Ferber at or 608-222-9376 to sign up to help table at either or both events.