Water Sentinels - September 2016

Water Sentinels is a joint project between the Four Lakes Group – Sierra Club and First Unitarian Society Madison

Here are 9 opportunities for you to engage further in protecting and restoring your local water resources:

1) Send letters to candidates for office and elected officials on water issues. A copy of a sample candidate letter is available. This letter can be used as a model for a letter/email to candidates or as the basis for a face to face conversation. Contact Liz Wessel.

2) Write a letter to the Editor. A sample letter to the editor on water is available. Use this letter as a model for your own letter. Contact Liz Wessel.

3) Sign the petition to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). You can find the petition at www.tinyurl.com/protectwiwater. This petition asks the EPA to review Wisconsin’s implementation of the Safe Drinking Water program. NOTE: A paper copy of the petition is available. If you circulate hard copies for signatures, Please mail these back to: ATT: Water petition, Sierra Club, 754 Williamson Street, Madison, WI  53703 or email bill.davis@sierraclub.org. Please put “Water petition” in the header. Deadline: September 30th.

4) Attend the Sierra Club’s  Autumn Assembly October 7 - 9 - Autumn Assembly, Bethel Horizons Camp and Retreat Center at Dodgeville, www.sierraclub.org/Wisconsin /2016-autumn-assembly or (608) 256-0565. At this Assembly, training on campaign planning, communications and other activism and organizing skills will be offered.

5) Follow water issues on Facebook facebook.com/WisconsinWaterSentinels/ or on Twitter @SierraClubWI, where you find our #WaterWednesday posts.

6) Look for the release of a new report, Shifting Currents: The State of Wisconsin's Waters in 2016, in September from the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters examining the state of our waters. Check the website for the report: https://wisconsinacademy.org/

7) Before you vote this November, look at the conservation scorecards for elected officials: Sierra Club (www.tinyurl.com/jmc2016-scorecard) and, or League of Conservation Voters (http://conservationvoters.org/scorecard/scorecard-2015-2016/).

8) Check out the “It’s Your Water Wisconsin” website (http://www.itsyourwaterwisconsin.org/) linking you with people across the state who care about water and its future in Wisconsin. Or tell your story at #itsyourwaterwisconsin.

9) Join the Water Sentinels Team.

For more information or to join the Water Sentinels Team, contact Liz at lizmwessel@gmail.com or call 608.238.9934.