Free Bus to Midwest Renewable Energy Fair

We’re serious about climate change and keeping our (and your) carbon footprint low, so the Sierra Club Four Lakes Group once again is sponsoring a bus to the MREA Energy Fair on Saturday, June 16. We know many of you want to go to learn about clean energy and other sustainability measures, but hate to burn 200 + miles of gas up and back for one or a few people.

Instead, get whisked there in a luxury motor coach (includes Wifi) with about 50 other avid enviros. Relax, make new friends, surf the web, and enjoy a few snacks and refreshments on us. The bus leaves Willy Street Coop West at 7 a.m., makes several stops on the way through Madison (and Portage if requested) and gets to the Fair about 9:45 a.m. It will leave to come back at 7:15 p.m., returning to Willy West by 10 p.m.

The annual Energy Fair will run from June 15 – 17, so if June 16 doesn’t work, consider carpooling on another day. Info on the Energy Fair is at

For more details on stops and time and to reserve your seat, go to and sign up.