Take Local Action on Climate Change - Join our Climate Crew! VIRTUAL

Meeting Wednesday, May 6 at 5:30 to 7 p.m. (1st Wednesdays)

Join our crew of volunteers as we work to mitigate climate change and build resiliency in our community. As a part of this team, you’ll have opportunities to be creative and make an impact. Volunteers are needed with a wide variety of skills with as little or as much time as you can contribute.

Have ideas for virtual actions? The COVID-19 funds will flow to our local municipalities. Together, we can make sure these funds are spent building a green economy at the local level. We need your help and ideas.

We are meeting virtually so please use our sign up so we can link you in. To join the crew, go to https://forms.gle/4C4Gtc8gNAZHZzqg9. For questions or more information, contact Liz Wessel, 608.238.9934 or lizard59sc@yahoo.com.