Bring the Every Kid Outdoors Pass to Wisconsin!

Let’s make it easy for 4th graders and their families to explore our beautiful state parks! Trying out snowshoes at Winter Fun day

Every child should have access to the outdoors and recreational opportunities. Currently, 4th graders who enroll in the National Every Kid Outdoors program can bring their families to National Parks and other public lands fee free.

Wisconsin can and should expand the national Every Kid Outdoors program to include WI State parks. Expanding the national program will enable 4th graders and their families to visit Wisconsin’s wonderful State Parks without entrance fees. And by opening this door for youth and their families now, we may be opening the door for a lifetime of outdoor recreation.

If you would like to help expand the national Every Kid Outdoors program to WI's amazing state parks, sign up HERE and we will provide you updates on progress amde and how you can help.

Thank you for your interest in making it possible for all children and their families to enjoy Wisconsin's wonderful and diverse State Parks!