HOI Sierra Group Urges You to Find Hope and Enjoy Outdoors Safely

May 2020
Rock Island Trail State Park
Rock Island Trail State Park, just south of Wyoming, IL. The park reopened on May 1st.

During the Illinois directives for shelter-in-place, wearing a mask when in public and keeping physical distancing of at least six feet from others when you are outside of your home, your Heart of Illinois Group encourages everyone to phone a friend, get outside safely when you can, or connect with any of the Sierra Club opportunities available to you for easy online participation. During this pandemic United States’ environmental regulations roll-backs are being done fast and furiously by the current federal administration leadership. Essential clean air, water, and public health protections regarding toxic mercury pollution levels, safety for food processing, and other essential regulations have been gutted.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone and everything, including the Sierra Club. Find out how we are responding so that we can continue the important work of protecting our natural environment and fighting for a just, clean energy future.

Above all, your Heart of Illinois Group Sierra sends hopes that you are keeping safe and healthy. We understand that you may only be able to deal with your personal and family conditions at this time.

Good news! Several Illinois Department of Natural Resources parks have opened for safe physical distancing public use. This includes the Rock Island Trail and Jubilee College State Parks, which opened May 1st.