January 6th IEPA Public Hearing on Proposed Coal Ash Rules

December 2019
Edwards Coal Ash Pond
Edwards coal ash pond looking toward the northeast

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has published their draft for proposed state regulations on management of coal ash at coal-fired power plants. These state rules will guide how well coal ash is regulated in our state for years to come. Thanks to passage of Senate Bill 9 in the Illinois Legislature in the spring of 2019 and Governor Pritzker’s signature on the legislation, the IEPA was tasked with writing the state guidance rules which are now available for in-person comment or by written comment.

Public Comment Opportunity:  Monday, January 6, 2020, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the IEPA Headquarters, Sangamo Conference Room, 1021 North Grand Ave. East, Springfield

At their January 6th meeting in Springfield, the IEPA will accept comments on the draft rules for Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) Surface Impoundments. Written comments can be made by January 13, 2020 and should be sent to: EPA.CoalAshRules@illinois.gov. The IEPA asks you include a heading containing the particular section in the draft rule (example: Section 845.100) if you propose revisions or alternative language. It is recommended you also explain your intent of any alternative language you propose and how it differs from the IEPA draft.

The Heart of Illinois Group area will be seeing the phase-out of four coal-fired power plants, each with large coal ash impoundments. It is really important that we support improvements in the currently proposed rules on several points, including provisions of full information from the coal plants including planned transportation systems regarding their coal ash impoundments closure procedures; improve the rules where IEPA inserted existing Federal language in several locations; include worker protections and specifics on where coal ash can be relocated for clean-up of sites; IEPA should include draft rules to include legacy coal ash dumps and areas where ash was used as fill; above ground coal ash piles should not be allowed; broader public notice procedures for small communities are needed; extend the time required for public notices; environmental justice considerations must be improved to take into account cumulative impacts; IEPA approval for the cost estimates for clean-up should be required and financial assurances for the clean-up of permitting must be included; and several other issues.

For any other information related to CCR rulemaking process please visit the Illinois EPA Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) webpage.

For ride-sharing from Peoria to the public comments meeting in Springfield on January 6th, contact Joyce at 309-678-1011.
